Telecom Industry Articles from TOTLCOM

Advantages of VoIP Phone Systems for Businesses

May 20th, 2024 by admin

An office desk phone and a mobile phone on a desk representing voip systems

Effective communication is crucial for success in today's fast-paced business world. Traditional landline phone systems have long been the norm, but the advent of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology has revolutionized the way businesses...

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Posted in: Solutions

Why Should Your Company Use Managed IT Services?

March 18th, 2024 by admin

A person with a tablet

As businesses continue to embrace digital transformation, the complexity and scope of their IT needs have expanded exponentially. Gone are the days when a basic IT setup sufficed. Today's enterprises require scalable and secure IT solutions to navigate...

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Posted in: Managed IT Services

Why Data Backup Services Are Crucial for Businesses

April 28th, 2023 by admin

Servers in a large room

Data backup services for businesses are designed to help protect critical business data and information in the event that it is lost, stolen, or corrupted. These services provide a comprehensive solution for businesses of all sizes. Backup solutions...

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Posted in: Solutions

Why Managed Services Are Better than Break-Fix Services

April 5th, 2023 by admin

A gear overlaid on business people walking

Managed services and break-fix services are two types of IT service models. Managed services is an ongoing, proactive approach to IT support where the provider actively monitors and maintains a customer's IT infrastructure; this ensures that any...

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Posted in: Services

How Network Firewalls Protect Your Business

March 21st, 2023 by admin

A server rack with green power indicator lights

Network firewalls are security systems designed to protect a network from malicious attacks. They provide a barrier between the internal network and external networks, like the Internet, by filtering traffic between them. Firewalls can be configured...

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Posted in: Network Security

The Importance of Remote Monitoring and Management

February 13th, 2023 by admin

A man holding his palms up with a digital lock in top of a sphere

Remote monitoring and management (RMM) is a technology that enables IT professionals to monitor the health, performance, and security of an entire network from one central location. RMM allows for proactive maintenance, remediation of system issues,...

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Posted in: Solutions

How Managed IT Services Can Benefit Your Business

January 9th, 2023 by admin

A businessman drawing gears on a transparent screen

Managed IT services can help your business in a variety of ways, from ensuring that your systems are up-to-date with the latest technology to providing you with expert technical support. Here are five benefits of managed IT services: Enhanced...

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Posted in: Solutions, Services, Managed IT Services

Understanding the Different Elements of Network Security

November 30th, 2022 by admin

Network connection graphic with the word 'Protection' and a shield with a keyhole

Network security is made up of many different components that work together to create a secure network environment. These can be divided into three main categories: physical, logical, and technical. Physical security refers to measures taken to protect...

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Posted in: Network Security

Everything You Need to Know about Dark Web Scanning

November 7th, 2022 by admin

A businessman on a dark background with various social icons on half of his face

If you're like most people, the term "dark web scanning" probably conjures up images of hackers in darkened basements poring over lines of code. In reality, dark web scanning is a vital cyber security tool that can help organizations keep their...

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Posted in: Network Security

Everything You Should Know About Network and Server Management

October 24th, 2022 by admin

A woman using a tablet in a server room

As a business owner, you are responsible for the uptime and security of your company's network and servers. In order to ensure that your business runs smoothly, you need to have a clear understanding of network and server management. There are a few...

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Posted in: Services, Managed IT Services

Network Security Best Practices

October 11th, 2022 by admin

A gold lock on a blue binary background.

Modern enterprises are increasingly cloud-centric and distributed, which means that the implications for cyber security are dire. There has never been a bigger attack surface, and nowadays, cyber criminals have become extremely adept at exploiting...

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Posted in: Network Security

Key Benefits of Network Monitoring

March 21st, 2022 by admin

Close up of laptop computer being used by woman in yellow sweater sitting at wooden desk.

Businesses across industries and of all sizes rely on different technologies to carry out their operations and cater to customers. No matter the size or scope of your business, it indeed pays to be careful in the world of today. This is...

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Posted in: Network Security

Improving Our Processes to Better Serve Our Customers

April 12th, 2021 by admin

A businessman touching a CG brain shape with connected technology icons

At TOTLCOM, we are always trying to improve our business operations, whether that is by offering better services and solutions to our customers or improving our in-house practices. Recently, we decided to switch from Tigerpaw to ConnectWise...

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Posted in: Solutions, Services, Case Studies

Merger Announcement From TOTLCOM

October 15th, 2020 by admin

Business people clapping because of the great news

Valued Customers and Friends, We are excited to announce: TOTLCOM Inc. has merged with Layer 3 IT Inc. Layer 3 IT Inc has been a Managed Services provider in Central California since 2003. We are especially pleased that the founders of the company,...

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Posted in: About TOTLCOM, News

How TOTLCOM, Inc. Can Help You Save Money

January 31st, 2020 by admin

A man in glasses working on a laptop that says savings, while displaying info through graphs, while also holding a coffee in his other hand

How much do you spend on your phone system, IT, or even technology every month? Wish your business could cut down on those operational costs, and use that money for other key parts of the budget? Fortunately for you, TOTLCOM knows how to promptly cut...

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Posted in: business services

Managed IT to Ease Your Stress

November 4th, 2016 by admin

We all have had those moments of frustration where we'd really like to use a hammer on our IT equipment. But there is so much more to IT management than just problem resolution. Take advantage of our Managed IT Services to outsource all of those stressful...

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Posted in: business services, Solutions

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