Telecom Industry Articles from TOTLCOM

Stay Protected with Network Firewalls

August 1st, 2023 by admin

Learn how network firewalls can help you stay protected

In an interconnected world where information flows freely and networks form the backbone of communication, safeguarding digital assets has become paramount. With cyber threats on the rise, individuals and organizations alike must adopt robust security...

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Posted in: Network Security

Why Data Backup Services Are Crucial for Businesses

April 28th, 2023 by admin

Servers in a large room

Data backup services for businesses are designed to help protect critical business data and information in the event that it is lost, stolen, or corrupted. These services provide a comprehensive solution for businesses of all sizes. Backup solutions...

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Posted in: Solutions

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Is More Important Than Ever

August 6th, 2020 by admin

A hand turning a dial that says Disaster Recovery Plan 'from stop to start'

To say we live in uncertain times is an understatement at this point. It's becoming harder with each passing day to predict just what is coming next. Many businesses have taken a reactive strategy, planning only to adapt to whatever happens...

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Posted in: Solutions, Services

Disaster Recovery Solutions

April 16th, 2017 by admin


Over the past 30 years, most businesses have learned about the difficulties and high costs of setting up, maintaining, and upgrading on-site data storage systems. Data centers and servers are costly, requiring a larger IT infrastructure than many small...

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Posted in: business services, Disaster Recovery

Backup & Recovery Solutions for Business Continuity

March 17th, 2016 by admin

Did you know that over 70% of businesses that suffer from major data loss shut down their businesses? Don’t let this happen to you! We offer a complete set of backup and recovery solutions that provides companies with an advanced insurance policy against...

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Posted in: Disaster Recovery

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