Telecom Industry Articles from TOTLCOM

The Benefits of a VoIP Telephone System

May 10th, 2023 by admin

A woman smiling while wearing a VoIP headset

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a type of telephone system that uses the Internet to make and receive calls. It works by sending voice data over an IP network, such as the Internet, instead of through traditional analog lines or public switched...

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Posted in: Business Telephones

Why Your Business Needs Business Phone Systems

December 28th, 2022 by admin

A modern business phone on a desk next to a cell phone and a pen

Business phone systems are essential for any business, small or large. They provide a way to efficiently manage incoming and outgoing calls and messages, as well as store important contacts. A good business phone system also helps streamline communication...

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Posted in: Business Telephones

TOTLCOM Inc. Helps School District with Phone Systems

November 24th, 2020 by admin

A hand touching a button on a phone

With the pandemic impacting the United States, many organizations have been affected. Schools have been scrambling to find an ideal way to support their students, as most states are using altered school schedules or are 100% remote. School districts...

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Posted in: Solutions, Services, Business Telephones

How VoIP Can Improve Your Remote Workforce

July 16th, 2020 by admin

A man working from home on his laptop while wearing a headset with a mic and taking notes

Remote working presents many unique challenges for businesses to overcome. One of the more critical challenges they have to surmount is figuring out how to send the office phone home with their employees. Since not every phone system can be adapted...

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Posted in: Phone services, Business Telephones

What Are The Best Business Phone Systems In 2018?

September 20th, 2018 by admin

Business Telephone Systems In Watsonville, Fresno, Sacramento and Across California Voice and data communications are a critical lifeline for California businesses today. Without a modern business telephone and telephone systems strategy, businesses are...

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Posted in: Business Telephones

Resources Available When Considering Upgrading Your Mitel Phone System

September 15th, 2018 by admin

Mitel Telephone Support & Services Across California You Can Make One Of The Best Phone Systems Even Better How good are Mitel Networks Corporation’s phone systems? According to an article in Inc. magazine, one of the best and most respected business...

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Posted in: Business Telephones

How Does A Dead Toshiba CTX28 Phone System Station Turn Into Full IT Support?

September 10th, 2018 by admin

Power outages will disrupt a business’ operation in a heartbeat. One minute everyone is working, taking phone calls, talking to customers, them wham! Out go the lights, all the computers go down, the internet is offline, and you can’t get a dial tone....

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Posted in: Business Telephones

Replacement Options For ShoreTel Phones (Questions And Answers)

August 12th, 2018 by admin

ShoreTel is No More. What Do I Replace My ShoreTel Phone System With? Do you remember the day in 2017 that Mitel announced that it was acquiring ShoreTel? Not many people do. But now, the fact that ShoreTel isn’t around anymore is making you think about...

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Posted in: Technology News, Business Telephones

Stay In Touch With Carrier Services Support

August 10th, 2018 by admin

Communicating About Communications It can’t be stressed enough – communication is the bedrock of business. How else would vendors and customers enter into agreements and transmit payments if there is no basis for what services will be provided, at what...

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Posted in: Articles & Insights, Technology News, Business Telephones

Can A New Telephone System Help Us Communicate Better?

June 19th, 2018 by admin

Need a more reliable business telephone system? Reliable phone service is vital to your successful business operations. When your telephone service fails, your business shuts down. If you’re still using an antiquated business phone service, you can do...

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Posted in: Business Telephones, Featured Services

Is Your Network Ready for IP Telephony?

June 4th, 2018 by admin

Enterprises are rapidly adopting IP telephony for cost savings, productivity gains and business innovation. But delivering a high-quality voice service takes more than just buying the latest IP telephony equipment. Successfully deploying IP telephony...

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Posted in: White Papers, Business Telephones

The Business Advantages of IP and Virtual Communications

June 4th, 2018 by admin

Business communications thatare dynamic, blended, multimedia, mobile, efficient, intuitive, reflecting the changing nature of the business stage itself. The PC and telephone sit side by side on the desk, but in many organizations, the networks that...

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Posted in: White Papers, Business Telephones

The Business Advantages of Telecommuting

June 4th, 2018 by admin

Support remote and work-at-home users as truly integrated members of the team—at far less cost and carbon footprint. Support remote and work-at-home users as truly integrated members of the team—at far less cost and carbon footprint The regional distributor...

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Posted in: White Papers, Business Telephones

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