Technology Assurance Group - Making Members Better Through Industry-Leading Support and Education

July 5th, 2018 by admin

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Technology Assurance Group (TAG) aims to make its many members into better businesses by sharing vital business practices, training them in superior sales processes and customer care, and much more.

23 years ago, TOTLCOM’s Sam Bishop along with a few other business associates came together to find a better way to take care of their customers. They wanted to give them protection and assurance along with the services and products that they sold them. So, they decided to start an organization that would help them do so – that was the beginning of Technology Assurance Group (TAG).

“We said ‘You know what, we could do this better, and we could provide more value to our customers, by forming an insurance group to make sure that the TAG organization could facilitate better than what we had,’” says Dale Stein, TAG co-founder. “At the time, 23 years ago, we started sharing better practices, and through that alliance and through that trust, we started building the organization to a point where we started evolving and it became more than making sure the customers were taken care of”.

As one of the first organizations in their area to offer peer group support, it wasn’t long before TAG could start really growing, and evolving. Thanks to how much their membership had grown in just a few years, by 1999 they could invest more resources, bring in Dale Johnson as CEO, and diversify the support they offered to members and their customer communities.

Today, TAG is the premier organization in providing robust and invaluable peer and educational support to partners in the IT industry. TAG brings together many successful Managed Technology Services Providers across North America, representing more than $350 million in products and services. Born of a diverse group of representatives of different industries, today’s TAG members bring together and integrate each and every communications solution they work with, from IT to telecommunications, AV to surveillance, and much more.

“We are essentially a training, education, and consulting organization,” says Brian Suerth, TAG President and Partner. “We are made up of Managed Technology Services Providers, who manage all technology for a customer’s business, not just IT. Those organizations that will thrive and be the most profitable today and into the future, obviously deploy not only IT, but telephony, cloud-based technologies, cybersecurity, AV, surveillance, managed print, and so on”.

TAG’s mission is to help members to increase their sales and profits via education that allows them to boost their quality of service and care to customers. TAG also helps partners by introducing them to new technology entering the marketplace, all by leveraging their combined intellect and purchasing power.

TAG provides its many members with a range of business-based advantages, sharing best business and management practices, advanced sales training programs and processes, in-depth financial analysis and industry benchmarking, professionally led peer group interaction, marketing and lead generation programs, and strategic partnerships with technology providers. TAG also introduces its membership to continually newer and more modern technologies, ensuring that they can provide their customers with the most accurate and useful information solutions available in the marketplace.

“We also provide industry benchmarking – by being in TAG, you can see how well our members are doing against their peers in the industry,” says Brian. “Everything we do here at TAG is based on statistical analysis and research, because of the insight that we have into our members’ organizations. We believe that if the top 20% of TAG members can achieve a certain objective, why can’t 100%?”

TAG guides its members to transition to and adopt these new technologies as they become relevant to their industries, ensuring that they can do so capably and profitably. They also provide members with sales training through a unique sales touch point process that differentiates each member from their competition and helps to develop a long-lasting relationship with the customer.

TAG members experience superior results in:

• Sales & Profitability Growth

• Market Presence & Market Share

• Diversified Recurring Revenue Streams

• Telecommunications, AV, and Surveillance

• Managed IT & Managed Print Services

• Employee Productivity & Retention

• Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty

“Our TAG members are the most profitable organizations in the industry because they have the most insight and understanding not only of their industry but also the economics of their own business,” says Brian.

TOTLCOM is proud to have been connected to TAG since the very beginning, with our very own Sam Bishop being the connection between each original founders of the organization. According to other members of TAG, they owe Sam a debt of gratitude – thanks to his vision and dedication, he was able to bring this group of companies together to work on the best practices. Sam’s giving personality and forgiving nature is the essence of a human being. It’s for all these reasons and more that Sam has been given a Lifetime Achievement Award by his fellow members in TAG.

With more than 140 member businesses in TAG today, it has grown into a clear example of what motivated people can do when they want to provide better care for their customers. TOTLCOM is proud to be counted among TAG’s ever-growing membership.

For more information about the services that TOTLCOM offers, all of which are supported by TAG, get in touch with us at (800) 300-5500 or

Posted in: TAG

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